Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date
Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

Using this we can add different functionality to our display. This function is executed before displaying the date in the calendar.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

One event is of maximum two week duration, create two calendars where end date and start date can be selected.ĭEMO of Event with fixed range with different Start and End dates →ĭEMO of Event with fixed range with different Start and End dates ( Using single Calendar ) → Beforeshowday Here maxDate and minDate are selected dynamically which changes based on selection of dates by user.įor second date picker the minimum date is variable which is taken from the selection of first date picker. Similarly once the start date is selected from first calendar then that will be the minDate for second calendar showing end date. Once the End date is selected in second calendar then that will be the maxDate of first calendar. Here we will use both minDate and maxDate Same way if end date is selected first then start date can't be before 15 days. So end date has to be within next 15 days One event is of 15 days duration, so if start date is picked up then end date can't be more than 15 days. If end date is selected then start date has to be before that.ĭEMO of linked Start date and End Date in two calendars → Date Picker with range of dates. If Start date is selected then end date has to start from or beyond start date only. Two date pickers showing Start date and end date of any event. Here are some of the conditions required for selection of dates


How to interlink two Calendars to select start date and end date by user in JQuery UI datepicker }) DEMO of Year Selection with a range → Date Picker dependant first and second date We can display a dropdown for users to select the year, same time we can set the range of the year to be shown inside the dropdown. $("#date_picker2").datepicker("setDate",var_setDate ) DEMO with defaultDate and setDate → With Year dropdown and Range of years Similarly we can use setDate to fix the date of any calendar. We can set the default date for the calendar by using the value option of the text boxīy using JQuery we can use defaultDate option to set a default for the calendar. Let us try with maximum selected date one week from today and minimum selected date one week before today.ĭEMO of Maximum and minimum selection of dates →įor Maximum selection of dates we can have different options.ĭEMO of maxDate with options for selection of dates →įor Minimum selection of dates we can have different options.ĭEMO of minDate with options for selection of dates → Default Date and Set a Date by setDate Maximum and minimum date is one week after and before ( from today ) Today is the maximum date user can select.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

These options we can use to set the maximum and minimum selectable dates from the calendar. We can show our calendar with Saturday and then Sunday at left column by making firstDay as 6.ĭEMO of changing first day of the week → maxDate and minDate

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

Using this we can change our calendar columns staring from left to right.ĭefault value is 0 : Sundays at left most column It can be any day of the week from Sunday to Saturday. While displaying calendar to the user, which day of the week will be shown at left side or in the first column. startDate = $(this).datepicker('getDate') ĭEMO of change event of Date Picker → firstDay On Selection of the date from the calendar we will display the selected value to the user through a div tag. Once the user select a date or change the selection it will fire the change() function. Date Formats d : 1,22 dd : 01,22 D : Wed,Fri DD :Wednesday,Friday m :2,12 mm :02,12 M :Jan,Feb MM :January,February y :16,17 yy :2016,2017 dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy' // 15-12-2016ĭateFormat: 'dd-MM-yy' // 05-January-2016ĭateFormat: 'dateFormat': "'On' d 'Day of ' MM ', Year : ' yy"ĭEMO of Date Picker with date format → Change function

Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date